The Shire of Dragonmarch 

Shire officers


Organizations need officers to help run things, and we are no exception.  By working together, we can do all the things we need to keep our club vibrant and engaged.

Lord Viga Brandr 

Responsible for organizing and conducting meetings, for supervising the groups activities, including providing training, resources, and first-level problem solving, for acting as an advocate for the needs of individuals. Coordinate with other groups at the local, regional, and kingdom level when necessary.

Responsible for maintaning a record of the acquisition and disbursement of funds for the shire and for all additional duties prescribed in the Exchequer’s Manual.

Minister of Arts and Sciences 

Lady Safiyyah Bint Hasan

Responsible for promoting and encouraging the arts and sciences within the shire. For organizing local A&S activities, and competitions.

Responsible for conducting heavy weapons practices, for acting as heavy weapons marshal-in-charge for events in the shire, and for training heavy weapons marshals and fighters within the shire.

Shire Chatelaine

Katerine deLuc 

Helps newcomers feel welcome, and works to promote the recruitment and retention of local members. Maintains the shires "loaner garb" and organizes demo's. 

Shire Herald

Rebecca of Dragonmarch

Helps the local populace design coats of arms for personnel and household use. Helps them get there arms and period appropriate names passed and registered with the SCA college of heralds.

Acting Youth Marshall

Lord Viga Brandr

Responsible for conducting youth combat practices, for acting as youth marshal-in-charge for events in the shire, and for training youth combat marshals and fighters within the shire.