The Shire of Dragonmarch

Open officer positions

There are a number of opportunity's to help out as a shire officer. If your interested in any of these email the local Seneschal at

DEI liaison

This officer is responsible for recognizing, creating, and implementing plans to promote diversity and inclusion to create an atmosphere where all people feel welcome and valued in the SCA. 

Youth combat Marshall

Over sees and organizes all the local youth combat activities, this office requires a clean background check.

Rapier Marshall

Over sees and organizes all the local Rapier combat activities

Archery Marshall

Over sees and organizes all the local archery  activities


Is responsible for the shire publications and getting information out to the populace. Records the minutes of the local meetings, and records notable local events.


Is responsible for maintaining the shire website with up to date information.


The SMO (Social media officer) deals with all social media aspects for the shire.

Deputy Seneschal

Helps the Seneschal with there office, if for some reason the Seneschal can temporarily or permanently, no longer fulfill there duties the deputy becomes Seneschal

Deputy MOAS

Helps the MOAS (Minister of Arts and Sciences) with there office, if for some reason the MOAS can temporarily or permanently, no longer fulfill there duties the deputy becomes Moas

Deputy Chatelain

Helps  the Chatelaine with there office, if for some reason the Chaelain can temporarily or permanently, no longer fulfill there duties the deputy becomes Chatelaine

Deputy Exchequer

Helps the Exchequer with there office, if for some reason the Exchequer can temporarily or permanently, no longer fulfill there duties the deputy becomes Exchequer

Deputy Shire Herald

Helps the Sire Herald  with there office, if for some reason the Exchequer can temporarily or permanently, no longer fulfill  there duties the deputy becomes Shire Herald